PSALM 139:16

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16

Thursday, April 23, 2009


By: Kenny Ashley

His name is Warren Buffet and he said,; “Life is like a snowball”. All you need is some wet snow and a long hill. The snow must be wet, because you cannot make a snowball out of powdery snow, because it will not stick together. He said; if you throw a powdery snowball, it will scatter like a herd of cats at a dog show. In order for snow to stick together, it has to have wetness. He said; that Papa God created us to stick together. He said; we the people should commune together. Papa put that drive to commune in our spiritual DNA. Once you understand how beautiful you are to Papa, it does not matter if people think you are ugly...etc. Go find some wet snow and keep rolling.

Connection to Psychology:

Social Facilitation: describes circumstances in which the presence of other people can improve performance.

Empathy-Altruism Theory: A theory suggesting that people help others because they feel empathy toward them.

Groupthink: A pattern of thinking that renders group members unable to evaluate realistically the wisdom of various options and decisions.

Social Neuroscience: A specialty that focuses on the influence of social processes on biological processes and on the influence of biological processes on social psychological phenomena.

Note: These applications connect to Kenny Ashley's theory, that togetherness, group therapy, group discussions, and other people views do help in a mighty way. We don't have to go through our trial alone.

Note from a Friend: You talk to God. All I am is a friend that cares. But, I have learned a whole lot about God and his love for you and me. God loves you! He WILL take care of one of His special children. You are one! Believe it!

1 comment:

Terri Lynn said...

This article really touched home. When I moved to SC last July, I was depressed and I cried a lot, for I missed my home. However once I made friends my behavior improved and I became more happy with my life. There was also one boy in particular that helped me the most. He took me to his church and I never realized what I was missing until then. I accepted god as my savor and took him into my heart and that one boy help show me the way. Really good article!