PSALM 139:16

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

THE ANTICANCER LIFESTYLE - By: David Servan-Schreiber, MD.

By: David Servan-Schreiber, MD.

At the age of 31, an ambitious doctor and neuroscience researcher was told he had a brain tumor and that it was cancer. He was told that he would not live longer than five years. Being a physician allowed him to research of ways to live longer. He learned that we all have natural defenses that help prevent cancer cells from becoming a fast growing disease. These diseases included our immune system, bodily functions that control inflammation, and foods that help reduce tumors. Once cancer is diagnosed, there really are no proven substitutes for conventional treatments. These treatments may consist of, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or molecular genetics.

There are cancer-fighting behaviors that are good for you, such as exercise. Wellness walks and regular physical activity improves survival rates for many types of cancer. Walking briskly for 30 minutes, six times a week, greatly reduces your chances. Sugar fuels cancer growth and triggers inflammation, especially refined sugar that is in sodas and ketchup. Also avoid white flower, it turns into sugar in the body. Avoiding spices also helps.

This Doctor has applied almost all of these strategies to his life, and it sure seems like it has worked on his behalf, because he has lived well past the five years, which was told to him. He has been living with cancer now for 16 years. He is in better health and happier today than before he became ill. He feels more at peace, lighter, with more energy, drive, and passion for life. It has slowed down his cancer.

Connection to psychology:

Social Neuroscience: A specialty that focuses on the influence of social processes on biological processes and on the influence of biological processes on social psychological phenomena.

Methods for coping with stress:

Cognitive – Thinking of stressors as challenges rather than as threats - avoiding
Emotional – Seeking social support; getting advice
Behavioral –Implementing a time-management plan, making life changes to eliminate
Physical – Exercise – meditation

Mind Over Cancer:

Therapy can alleviate anxiety and help cancer patients and their families cope. It may also increase a patient's quality of life, boost their immune system and help them to live longer.

Note: Psychologists can play an important role in cancer's treatment. Psychologists can help patients and families with emotional distress and reduce it, help them to communicate better among patients, families and oncologists, reduce treatment's side effects and improve patients' quality of life. There's even evidence that psychological interventions may strengthen patients' immune systems, helping them to live longer. Social psychological theories and perspectives can be used to help people understand cancer.

David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., author of Anticancer - A New Way of Life ... Servan-Schreiber's third focus is psychology. ... Persistent anger or despair, social isolation, denial of true identity and a sedentary lifestyle all can inhibit immune cell production.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Great article! My aunt had breast cancer 2 years ago and beat it thank god. This gives some great tips on how to reduce your risk for getting sick. I think my aunt did everything possible to help herself get better but i think the most important thing she did was never giving up hope.