PSALM 139:16

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16

Friday, June 21, 2013


I have remarried and live in Georgia. I will update my profile eventually. So much to tell. One terrible thing happened in my son was robbed and murdered a couple of years ago..Its been very hard to accept. He loved the Lord and is in heaven with him. Jesus, the Way to the Father John 14 1-4 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. 2 There is more than enough room in my Father’s home.If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3 When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. 4 And you know the way to where I am going.”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

BRAIN DEFOGGER - ~AARP Magazine~ June 2009

AARP Magazine~ June 2009

What strategies can you do to boost your memory? They are many actually, one is called; “locomote” Boosting your activity level can increase brain volume and enhance cognitive function.
Australia did a study on people with mild memory impairments performed better on cognitive tests after walking 150 minutes a week for six months. Exercise increases the flow of the brain. It also controls insulin and other chemicals linked to cognitive problems. Even if you exercise a little, it is better than nothing. As long as you are doing more than you are doing now.

Vitamin B-Complex also helps with memory. Low-quality and quality sleep can seriously clear up mental clarity. The brain moves memories into long-term storage during deep sleep. If its interrupted it can interfere with the ability to retain information. We should stick to one bedtime and keep your bedroom quiet, dark and cool. Stay away from caffeine, night-lights, naps, and nightcaps, all of which can give you trouble sleeping.

Connection to Psychology

Slow-wave sleep – Sleep stages 3 and 4: which are accompanied by slow, deep breathing; a calm, regular heartbeat; and reduced blood pressure.

Neuromodulators: These compounds fluctuate throughout the night, fine-tuning the impact of the neurotransmitters glutamate.

Eurotransmitter Glutamate: gives a boost to the brain, causing neural transmission.

Acetylcholine: drops to its lowest levels during dreamless sleep.

During the transition to dreaming sleep, noradrenaline and serotonin levels remain low, but the acetylcholine level begins to rise, reaching twice the waking level in some parts of the brain. The body cycles several times between dreaming and non-dreaming sleep throughout the night.

The three neuromodulators are probably intricately involved in the impact of sleep on memory,--- sleep seems to offer these benefits to memory.

Note:Jean Piaget, a Swiss developmental biologist and psychologist. She is the first expert to suggest that until a child is at least 11, she is not capable of thinking and like an adult.

Cognitive Thinking

Piaget's revolutionary research began early in the last century. She introduced four stages of development:

Sensorimotor Period, from birth to 2 years
Preoperational Period, from 2 to 6 or 7 years
Concrete Operational Period, from 7 to 11 years
Formal Operational Period, from 11 on...


By: Kenny Ashley

His name is Warren Buffet and he said,; “Life is like a snowball”. All you need is some wet snow and a long hill. The snow must be wet, because you cannot make a snowball out of powdery snow, because it will not stick together. He said; if you throw a powdery snowball, it will scatter like a herd of cats at a dog show. In order for snow to stick together, it has to have wetness. He said; that Papa God created us to stick together. He said; we the people should commune together. Papa put that drive to commune in our spiritual DNA. Once you understand how beautiful you are to Papa, it does not matter if people think you are ugly...etc. Go find some wet snow and keep rolling.

Connection to Psychology:

Social Facilitation: describes circumstances in which the presence of other people can improve performance.

Empathy-Altruism Theory: A theory suggesting that people help others because they feel empathy toward them.

Groupthink: A pattern of thinking that renders group members unable to evaluate realistically the wisdom of various options and decisions.

Social Neuroscience: A specialty that focuses on the influence of social processes on biological processes and on the influence of biological processes on social psychological phenomena.

Note: These applications connect to Kenny Ashley's theory, that togetherness, group therapy, group discussions, and other people views do help in a mighty way. We don't have to go through our trial alone.

Note from a Friend: You talk to God. All I am is a friend that cares. But, I have learned a whole lot about God and his love for you and me. God loves you! He WILL take care of one of His special children. You are one! Believe it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

“HOUSE vs. GOD” Television Show: “HOUSE” -


Summary: This TV show, I especially liked. It is about a patient that is a preacher and a labeled as a “faith healer”. He has an illness and told “House” that God will heal him and he refuses medical help. There is also another patient, whom belong to Dr. Wilson. She is terminally ill from cancer. Wilson struggled when telling her that she does not have long to live. She met the faith healer in the hospital hall. The Faith Healer/Patient laid his hand on the cancer patient and prayed over her. The next day she returned to the hospital and looked and felt great. Dr. Wilson was terribly upset, because he did not believe in the faith healer. After administrating test on the cancer patient, the tumor has shrunk and she went into remission. Dr. Wilson was terribly upset, because he does not believe it was the faith healer that caused the remission. The faith healer eventually needs the surgery. House needed a spiritual uplifting, which he received. At the end of the show, he was playing a gospel tune on his piano.

Connection to psychology:

I connected this with the Placebo Effect. Which occurs when a patient’s symptoms are altered. Also the individual believing that it will work. Placebo effect is in the patient not the doctor. A fake medicine (placebo) will work due to the subconscious desire for a patient to please a doctor.

Albert Ellis: Rational-emotive behavior therapy –focuses on altering the self-defeating thoughts that Ellis believes underlie people’s behavior disorders.
Cognitive Therapy: Collaborates with people to help them notice how certain negative thoughts precede anxiety and depression.

Additional Information: Placebo is Latin for “I Will Please”. See; Psalm 114: 1-9 in the Bible. An Australian Doctor invented the word “Obecalp” spelled backwards in 1998. It was used for fake medicine (example: sugar pill). It was freely available to whoever needed it.

THE ANTICANCER LIFESTYLE - By: David Servan-Schreiber, MD.

By: David Servan-Schreiber, MD.

At the age of 31, an ambitious doctor and neuroscience researcher was told he had a brain tumor and that it was cancer. He was told that he would not live longer than five years. Being a physician allowed him to research of ways to live longer. He learned that we all have natural defenses that help prevent cancer cells from becoming a fast growing disease. These diseases included our immune system, bodily functions that control inflammation, and foods that help reduce tumors. Once cancer is diagnosed, there really are no proven substitutes for conventional treatments. These treatments may consist of, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or molecular genetics.

There are cancer-fighting behaviors that are good for you, such as exercise. Wellness walks and regular physical activity improves survival rates for many types of cancer. Walking briskly for 30 minutes, six times a week, greatly reduces your chances. Sugar fuels cancer growth and triggers inflammation, especially refined sugar that is in sodas and ketchup. Also avoid white flower, it turns into sugar in the body. Avoiding spices also helps.

This Doctor has applied almost all of these strategies to his life, and it sure seems like it has worked on his behalf, because he has lived well past the five years, which was told to him. He has been living with cancer now for 16 years. He is in better health and happier today than before he became ill. He feels more at peace, lighter, with more energy, drive, and passion for life. It has slowed down his cancer.

Connection to psychology:

Social Neuroscience: A specialty that focuses on the influence of social processes on biological processes and on the influence of biological processes on social psychological phenomena.

Methods for coping with stress:

Cognitive – Thinking of stressors as challenges rather than as threats - avoiding
Emotional – Seeking social support; getting advice
Behavioral –Implementing a time-management plan, making life changes to eliminate
Physical – Exercise – meditation

Mind Over Cancer:

Therapy can alleviate anxiety and help cancer patients and their families cope. It may also increase a patient's quality of life, boost their immune system and help them to live longer.

Note: Psychologists can play an important role in cancer's treatment. Psychologists can help patients and families with emotional distress and reduce it, help them to communicate better among patients, families and oncologists, reduce treatment's side effects and improve patients' quality of life. There's even evidence that psychological interventions may strengthen patients' immune systems, helping them to live longer. Social psychological theories and perspectives can be used to help people understand cancer.

David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., author of Anticancer - A New Way of Life ... Servan-Schreiber's third focus is psychology. ... Persistent anger or despair, social isolation, denial of true identity and a sedentary lifestyle all can inhibit immune cell production.


“D I V O R C E “
By: Kathy Kristof – AARP Magazine Mar-Apr 2009

A 47 year Old Attorney – Jeff Condon did not expect the worst to happen in his marriage. He lives in Monica, California. He knew that his marriage had its ups and downs but thought it was normal behavior, and that most couples behave this way. Then, one day his wife came to him and said that she has had enough. Ever since those words were spoken, both of them began to have had numerous of arguments and battles over their home, their kids and even frivolous things such as sport games. This has been going on for three years. This has put a great burden financially on the couple. The costs are up in the $250,000, just for fighting each other.

It is important to be an equal partner as far as finances are concerned. Fighting each other in a divorce should not be at the top of the list. If you go into a marriage with wealth, the it would be using wisdom if there would be a prenuptial agreement and trusts. For those not in wealth and not to make it an ugly divorce and to simplify it, it’s best to have good habits of budgeting and investing together. It is also important that both spouses establish credit. If some of these ideas are applied, this will make divorce not easy, but easier.

Connection to Psychology: Stress Responses and Stress Mediators

Responses are:

“Fight-or-flight” syndromes (increased heart rate, respiration and muscle tension. Breakdown will eventually happen of organ systems involved in prolonged resistance to stressors.
Psychological / Emotional: anger, anxiety and depression.
Cognitive: inability to concentrate or think logically.
Behavioral: aggression and escape/avoidance (including suicide attempts)

Mediators are:

Coping resources and methods: cannot relax after having a hard day will prolong
stress responses.
Social Support: Having no one to talk to about your divorce or other trauma.

Additional Information:

Psychology – forensic and clinical

· Early etiological theories of child and marital problems unidirectional
cause-effect relationships.
· It was always presumed that dysfunctional marital relationships caused
dysfunctional behavior patterns in children. Children with behavioral or emotional
problems were viewed as innocent victims of a "bad" parent or of a "bad"
relationship between the parents.